July 30 Bulletin

Call to Worship: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”    Proverbs 19:17


 Offering: MCC

This Week:


  • All church potluck lunch! With more sharing from Jonathan

Tuesday, Aug 1

  • Youth at Harold & Marlene’s         7:30

 Wednesday, Aug 2

  •  MLT meeting                                      7:00

You can help make camp happen!
BCBC is looking for cooks! July 31-Aug 5

New garden produce exchange! If anybody has extra garden produce to share, we encourage you to bring it to church Sunday morning and leave it on the table in the foyer. Anyone can feel free to take it home and enjoy! Any leftovers will be brought to the thrift Shop on Tuesday. – Sid Dueck

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Sunday School Program.

Church Family of the Week:

  •    Charles & Alanna Reimer
  •    Daniel & Chrissy Plett

Upcoming Events:

  • Communion on Aug 6th, next Sunday.
  • Aug. 12 – Ramona’s Reach 4 on 4 Street Hockey Tournament in conjunction with Arborg Street Fest. Enter your team in the 8-10, 11-13, or 14+ age groups. Contact Jason Reimer (204-378-0383) to sign up or for more information.
  • Aug 14 MWM Fireside.
  • VBS is happening on August 20-24

BCBC Week 3 Update:

  • We have enjoyed another week of camp. This week we had 63 campers from grade 3-5. Thanks be to God for keeping us safe in the large storm on Wednesday. We have had Pastor Eric Isaac speaking in chapel. This week we have had many maintenance projects completed as well. Thank you so much to so many hands that have served the ministry this week.
  • Week 4 we are ministering to our teens. Thus far we have 77 campers registered. Thank you so much for praying,
  •  Coralee Barkman

Next Sunday:

Church                                      10:45

  •  Message: Eric Isaac
  •  Offering: EMC

Communion next Sunday, Aug 6.