Sept 3 Bulletin

Call to Worship: Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.     Psalm 32:1-2


 Offering: EMC

This Week:

Tuesday, Sept 5

  • MCS Staff Orientation                   10:00

Wednesday, Sept 6

  • MCS Classes start!                       9-2:00
  • Back to School Brunch                  9:00
    All Moms & women who would like to encourage and support them welcome! -MWM
    Back to School Brunch food sign-up sheet in the lobby.

Next Sunday:

  • Coffee & Muffins at 9:15
  • Sunday School at 9:45
  • Coffee & Muffins volunteers needed. If you’re interested in being put on a schedule to be in charge of coffee & muffins once a month, please email

Pray For This Week:

  • The Bridge (Youth for Christ Drop-in Centre)

Church Family of the Week:

  •    Lorelei Plett
  •    Savannah Reimer

Garden produce exchange!

  • If anybody has extra garden produce to share, we encourage you to bring it to church Sunday morning and leave it on the table in the foyer. Anyone can feel free to take it home and enjoy! Any leftovers will be brought to the thrift Shop on Tuesday. – Sid Dueck

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday School starts on Sept 10!
  • Youth Kick-Off Sept 12!

Beaver Creek Bible Camp has had a great summer with high camper turnout and dedicated staff. Thanks to God and all those who put so much work into it. Unfortunately, there are still outstanding bills to be paid. To help cover shortfall, please make a donation to MEMC ear marked  for BCBC or donate on line at

Next Sunday:

Coffee & Muffins                     9:15

Sunday School                         9:45

Church                                     10:45

  •  BCBC Report
  •  Devotional: Eric Isaac
  •  Offering: General Fund