July 23 Bulletin

Call to Worship: And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.  Philipians 4:19


Offering: General Fund

This Week:

Tuesday, July 25

  • Sewing Circle                                     9-12

Saturday, July 29

  • C & C in Gimli                                      9:45

You can help make camp happen! BCBC is looking for cooks! July 24-29 & July 31-Aug 5

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Song Leaders.
  • Jonathan Kurkilahti, Glenn Plett and John Petkau as they minister and report in Seminole, Texas and Copeland, Kansas this weekend.
  • Eric Isaac as he speaks at Beaver Creek Bible Camp Monday to Friday.

Church Family of the Week:

  •    Sid & Bea Dueck
  •    Serhii & Natalia Lozovi

Upcoming Events:

  • Jonathan Kurkilahti from Pamora, Uganda, is planning to come to Manitoba for a visit. He will be in our church next Sunday, reporting about the work he and Rachel are doing for Ramona’s Reach. Whoever is interested in meeting him personally and hearing more about Ramona’s Reach is also welcome to stay for a potluck lunch after the service.
  • Communion on Aug 6th.
  •  Aug 14 MWM Fireside.
  • Aug. 12 – Ramona’s Reach 4 on 4 Street Hockey Tournament in conjunction with Arborg Street Fest. Enter your team in the 8-10, 11-13, or 14+ age groups. Contact Jason Reimer (204-378-0383) to sign up or for more information.
  • VBS is happening on August 20-24

BCBC Week 2 Update:

We have been blessed to have such an amazing week! 47 Campers, 18 LDC

This week has brought our total of registered campers to 233 for the summer!

We have had so many God encounters, campers loved on, and great staff unity.

Thank you to those praying for Jesus to touch everyone, the presence of the Holy Spirit and God for directing us! We are so blessed to have a loving Father.

We had 51 visitors on Wednesday. Visitors night is from 8-9:30pm

Next week is Grade 3-5. We have 60 campers registered this far. We anticipate more.

We are in need of 2 cooks, 2 male cabin leaders, 2 female cabin leaders.

We have 21 more campers needing sponsorship. If you would like to help please contact Coralee at beavercreekbiblecamp@gmail.com

Next Sunday:

Church                                      10:45

  •  Report: Jonathan Kurkilahti
  •  Offering: MCC