Dec 11 Bulletin

Call to Worship: But the angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11


Offering: General Fund

This Week:

Monday, Dec 12

  • Women’s Christmas Banquet         6:00
    At the Waterfront Center in Gimli
  • MCS Board Meeting                           7:30

Tuesday, Dec 13

  • Youth Christmas Party                     7:30
  • Dress as a secret agent & bring a snack!

Thursday, Dec 15

  • Ministers Meeting                              7:30

Thrift Shop:

  •    13th: Janice & Sylvia
  •    14th: Rose D. & Norma
  •    15th: Evalina & Lis
  •    16th: Rose D. & Susan
  •    17th:  Trudy & YOU????

Congratulations  to Jake and Sylvia Wall on the arrival of their daughter, Emma Sophia, and their son, Ethan Gael born on November 23!

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Sewing Circle
  • Galen Reimer as he serves at the Father’s House Church in Oroville, California.

Church Family of the Week:

  •   Mikaela Reimer
  •   Jeff & Erin Reimer

Upcoming Events:

  • MCS Christmas Program Dec 22.
  • On December 25th coffee & muffins will be served at 10 followed by a 10:45 worship service. On January 1 there won’t be coffee & muffins and the service will start at 10:45. Both of those Sundays won’t have Sunday School.
  • MEMC New Year’s Party is happening on Dec 31 in Morweena!
  • February 2023 is Mission Emphasis Month!


  • Dec. 13 – Christmas Party
  • Dec. 24 – Christmas Carolling
  • Jan 3 – Board Game Night

Next Sunday:

Coffee & Muffins                     9:15

Sunday School                         9:45

  •    Kids: Age 3 to Youth 
  •    Adult: Coffee House (visiting)

Church                                      10:45

  •  Message: Terry Dueck (Mennville EMC minister)
  • Offering: General Fund

Note from the bookkeeper and treasurer:

  • Year end is fast approaching. Please take note of the following items:
    1) Please hand in any receipts needing reimbursement as soon as possible. You can either put them in Larry and Danelle’s church mailbox or you can email them to
  • 2) Donations for the 2022 tax year need to be handed in to Larry by noon on Dec 30. Church offering box, church finance email address, and our church mailbox will be checked at noon on Dec 30. Any donations received after this time will be counted as 2023 donations.