July 24 Bulletin

Call to Worship: How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Psalm 84:1-2


This Week:

Tuesday, July 26
Sewing circle                                       9-12

Eric will be on holidays from July 25-August 1.

Karlene Petkau has been hired as the church secretary and will start mid August.

Pray For This Week:

  • MCS staff, students, and board.
  • Jonathan and Rachel Kurkilahti as they serve with Ramona’s Reach in Pamora, Uganda.

Congratulations to Heather Loewen on the birth of her son, Zen Mirai, on July 16, 2022!

Thrift Shop:

  •    Tuesday: Sylvia & Evelina
  •    Wednesday: Norma & Margaret
  •    Thursday: Carol & YOU???
  •    Friday: Emily & Janet
  •    Saturday: You and your friend???

Upcoming Events:

  • VBS Food Truck Party!    Aug 8-12 6:30-8:30pm Grades K-5! Registration deadline is August 1st. Sign-up sheet for snacks is on the back bulletin board. More volunteers are still needed! Other questions: Alanna Reimer, Ang Dueck, Chrissy Plett & Erin Reimer Here’s an amazing opportunity to help serve in the church!

Summer Youth Events:

  • August 2: Volleyball & Fireside
  • August 16: Volleyball & Fireside
  • August 30: Volleyball & Fireside
  • Sept 30-Oct 1 – Youth Retreat


We are halfway through our summer! We have really seen God at work in the campers and staff’s lives. We are so grateful for everyone who has come to volunteer and serve at camp so far.

We have 32 campers signed up for camp this coming week. 

Please pray for our staff that are serving long term, that they would be encouraged by the growth they get to see all summer. Pray that each camper’s heart would be open to receiving what they are going to hear this week.

Help!! We are still in need of a medical officer for July 27-30. Please contact the camp if you are willing to serve or if you know someone who could help.

A praise item from staff week, we had many of our staff show up. It was a week of diving deeper into scripture and working hard to catch up on projects around camp.

BCBC is looking for a few more couches or chairs. If you would like to donate your worn but still good condition furniture, please let the camp know or a board member.

Next Sunday:

Church                                      10:45

  •  Message: Tim Reimer
  •  Offering: MCC