Feb 27 Bulletin

Call to Worship: May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth.  Psalm 67:3-4


Offering this week: General Fund

This Week:

Monday, Feb 28
Vision Team Meeting                     7:00

Tuesday, March 1
Youth Small Groups Night 7:30-9:30 

Saturday, March 5
C & C Asessippi Ski Trip!

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Youth Group
  • Nikki Reimer as she studies at University of Winnipeg.

Congratulations to Kendall & Mikayla Reimer on the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Grace, on February 20, 2022!

If you would like to join the Prayer Web you can sign up on the bulletin board or talk to Jen (call or text 204-364-2798).

Upcoming Events:

  • C & C: Mar 5 – Asessippi ski trip
  • BCBC AGM in Riverton, Sunday, March 20.
  • SBC Leadership Conference- March 11+12- “Overcoming Shame and Discovering Our True Self’ with Ken Shigematsu. If you’re interested in participating talk to Eric.

Next Sunday: Missions Month

Sunday School                         9:45

  • Adult: Pastor Ibrahim and Phebe (Kingdom Life Church- a work with Arabic speaking immigrants)

Church                                      10:45

  •   Message: Ibrahim Zabaneh
  •   Offering: EMC