Call to Worship: And the seraphim were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Isaiah 6:3-4
MC: Sid Dueck
Offering: General Fund
Message: Eric Isaac
This Week:
Tuesday, Aug 24
Youth V-Ball & Fireside 7:30
Wednesday, Aug 25
Church Vision Team Meeting 7:00
Thursday, Aug 26
Moms & Tots 10-12
At the playground. Bring your own snacks.
Ministerial Meeting 7:00
Next Sunday:
Picnic Lunch across the road! Everyone is welcome! Bring your own lunch and come enjoy some fellowship!
Pray For This Week:
- Our Sunday School Programs.
- Jonathan and Rachel Kurkilahti as they serve with Ramona’s Reach in Pamora, Uganda.
- Continue to pray for Janelle & Kurt Kornelsen and their baby daughter Stevie. She was transferred to Edmonton this week to receive more specialized care and for referral with the heart transplant team.
- MCS is happy to announce that all staff positions are filled! Staff Orientation dates are Sept 1-3.
- Parent Teacher Meeting on Sept 2
- Classes start on Wed, Sept 8
- Looking forward to a smoother year!
Aug 24 – Volleyball & Fireside