Jan 16 Bulletin

Call to Worship: Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.  Psalm 95:1-2


Offering this week: General Fund

This Week:

Monday, Jan 17
Ramona’s Reach Board Meeting       7:00

Tuesday, Jan 18
Youth Broomball                  7:30-9:30 

Wednesday, Jan 19
Mission Board Meeting                 7:30

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Ushers
  • Dwight and Shanda as they pastor the Generations Church in Mandeville, Jamaica.
  • Mennville EMC Church

Upcoming Events:

Winter Classes at SBC
Becoming Christian Leaders in Marketplaces- March 15 – April 5, Tuesday evenings
Indigenous People and The Church- March 24-26
Leadership Conference 2022- Now I Become Myself: Overcoming Shame and Discovering Our True Self with Ken Shigematsu- March 11-12

Next Sunday:

Sunday School                         9:45

Church                                      10:45

  • Message: Marvin Hamm
  • Offering: General Fund