Sept 26 Bulletin

Call to Worship: You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. Psalm 86:5-7

MC: Sid Dueck
Offering: General Fund
Message: Albert Martens

This Week:

Golfing in Fisher Branch               2:00
Contact Sid Dueck or just show up.

Tuesday, Sept 28
Youth Game Night                          7:30

Thursday, Sept 30
Ministerial Meeting                        7:00

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Church Maintenance Board.
  • Robyn Reimer as she studies at Catch the Fire School of Ministry.


  • If you’re interested in being a part of a parent and child dedication talk to Eric.
  • If you’re interested in transferring your membership to the MEMC talk to Eric.
  • Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for all your prayers for me as I recover from post Covid pneumonia at HSC. I am getting stronger every day, for which I am so grateful. –Gloria Penner
  • Oct 5 – Youth Yard Clean-up Service Night, meet at church. (If you need some yard work done, contact Kendall.)

Upcoming Events:

  • Oct 6, 7:30 prayer meeting
  • Oct 13, 7:30 Church Direction Night
  • Nov 3, 7:30 Church Direction Night


  • Sept 28 – Game Night
  • Oct 5 – Yard Clean-up Service Night, meet at church. (If you need some yard work done, contact Kendall.)
  • Oct 12 – Game Night at church
  • Oct 19 – Lesson Night at church
  • Oct 26 – Small Group Night

Next Sunday:

Sunday School                         9:45

Church                                      10:45

Message: Eric Isaac

Read: the story of King Josiah, 2 Kings 22 and 23.

Offering: EMC