Nov 21 Bulletin

Call to Worship: Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.   Psalm 43:5

MC: Eric Isaac
Offering: General Fund
Parent & Child Dedication
Message: Donovan & Cathy Dueck

This Week:

Tuesday, Nov 23
Youth Games Night                        7:30

Wednesday, Nov 24
MCS Parent Teacher Visits evening
Care Pkg & Dessert Night             7:15
Interlake EMC Ministerial Fellowship Event at the Connexion. 7:00

Thursday, Nov 25
MCS Parent Teacher visits evening
Ministerial Meeting                        7:00

Friday, Nov 26
MCS Parent Teacher visits all day
No Classes at MCS
Library Meeting                              8:00

MCS Note: Parents are encouraged to come for longer than just their appointment  with the teachers. Board Members, snacks and bonfire will be available to enrich the experience.

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Library Committee.
  • Jonathan and Rachel Kurkilahti as they serve with Ramona’s Reach in Pamora, Uganda.

Upcoming Events:

  • Deacon Election Update: There will be an election shortly for 2-4 new deacons in our church. This was decided at the last CDN meeting. Nomination sheets will be coming out soon. Individuals or couples can be nominated. Talk to James Plett, Sid Dueck, or Eric Isaac for more details.
  • Kids Ministry Coordinator: Our church has decided to hire a Kids’ Ministry Coordinator! This will be a 0.2 position for a 1 year term. Talk to James Plett or Sid Dueck if you are interested.


  • Nov 23: Game Night
  • Nov 30: Community Night
  • Dec 7: Lesson Night
  • Dec 14: Christmas Party
  • Dec 21: NO YOUTH
  • Dec 24: Christmas Caroling

The Vision Team wants to hear from all of you. If you haven’t answered the question What do you think are some strengths of the Morweena Church? on a purple paper or on Facebook, or if you have something to add to your original answer, you can click on this link:

Next Sunday:

  • Sunday School                         9:45
  • Church                                      10:45
    Message: Eric Isaac
    Read: Luke 3:1-17
    Offering: General Fund