Nov 13 Bulletin

Call to Worship: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love                                  1 John 4:7-8


Offering: General Fund

This Week:


  • BCBC Camp Reunion in Gimli           4-8
  • At the arena. All campers and Camp supporters welcome!

Monday, Nov 14

  • MCS Board Meeting                           7:30

Tuesday, Nov 15

  • MCC Stories, Coffee & Connection 2:00
    At MEMC. All ladies welcome!
  • Youth Lesson & Worship Night     7:30

Wednesday, Nov 16

  • Mission Board Meeting                    7:30

Thursday, Nov 17

  • MCS Parent & Teacher Meeting     7:30


  • Nov. 15: Lesson & Worship
  • Nov. 22: Joint event with FWC youth group
  • Nov. 29: Game Night

Upcoming Events:

  • Nov 15 All ladies are welcome to come for MCC stories, coffee, and connection with our sewing circle and special guests! Anna Vogt will share about her experience of peacebuilding in Colombia. Sophia Bezoplenko will give an update on MCC comforter shipments to Ukraine and beyond.
  • You’re invited to a special celebration of 50 years of MCC Thrift! This special virtual event will celebrate the history, creativity and generosity of the MCC Thrift network. The celebration will be held on Zoom on November 22 at 7 pm CST. You can register for the virtual event at
  • Dec. 9 Family Gingerbread Contest 7:00-9:00pm Come as a family to build and decorate a winning gingerbread house! Stay for festive fellowship and snacks. Register your family by November 27.

Pray For This Week:

  • Our C & C and their leaders.
  • John Petkau and Abe Loewen as they serve under Ramona’s Reach in Pamora, Uganda.
  • Pray for Henry and Margaret Friesen as Henry is in palliative care at the Arborg hospital.

Church Family of the Week:

  •   Sevannah Reimer
  •   Greg & Carlie Plett
  •   Ryan & Lisa Kelly

Next Sunday:

Coffee & Muffins                     9:15

Sunday School                         9:45

  •    Kids: Age 3 to Youth 
  •    Adult: Bible Study with Glenn Plett

Church                                      10:45

  • Message: Tim Reimer
  • Offering: General Fund