July 10 Bulletin

Call to Worship: I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2


This Week:

Tuesday, July 12
BCBC Meeting                                     7:30

Pray For This Week:

  • Our College & Career Group
  • Jos and Tamara (Loewen) Van Huysse as they serve at the Father’s House Church in Oroville, California.
  • Eric Isaac as he speaks at Beaver Creek Bible Camp.

Summer Youth Events:

  • July 19: Volleyball & Fireside
  • August 2: Volleyball & Fireside
  • August 16: Volleyball & Fireside
  • August 30: Volleyball & Fireside

Upcoming Events:

  • Worship Night- July 18th @ 7pm in the church sanctuary. Come gather for a night of prayer and praise. All welcome!
  • VBS Food Truck Party! August 8-12, 2022! From 6:30-8:30pm Grades K-5!
    Registration forms in mailbox and extra on back table! Volunteers are still needed!  Contact Karlene for registration Other questions: Alanna Reimer, Ang Dueck, Chrissy Plett & Erin Reimer Here’s an amazing opportunity to help serve in the church!
  • If you are 18-25 and looking for a fantastic faith-adventure based Discipleship Program join us at SBC this fall for Pursuit! https://youtu.be/cEJnenstPRM  Travel portion includes Vancouver Island and Brazil. Contact Kaylene Buhler,kbuhler@SBCollge.ca for more information or apply atSBCollege.ca by August 1.


  • Week 1 went very well, we were blessed with rain, warm weather, and mosquitos. We were blessed with support staff that could begin working on projects around camp after years of disuse. This week we saw many campers that had been at Day camps and several new faces.
    We have 40 campers signed up for camp this coming week. 
    Please pray for energy and patience as we interact with our youngest campers. Pray that each camper’s heart would be open to receiving what they are going to hear this week.
    A praise item for this week is that we’ve had 7 kids come through sponsorship this week. We are so grateful for the people that donate so that more kids are able to come to camp.
  • Visitor Night will be happening July 20th. Everyone is invited to come up to camp to experience camp and visit with our staff. Camp activities begin at 4, Supper at 6, Rec games at 7 and Chapel to follow. We look forward to hosting everyone at camp.
  • BCBC is looking for a few more couches or chairs. If you would like to donate your worn but still good condition furniture, please let the camp know or a board member.

Next Sunday:

Church                                      10:45

  •  Report: Amber Dueck
  •  Devotional:  Eric Isaac
  •  Offering: General Fund