Aug 15 Bulletin

Call to Worship: You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain.     Psalm 3:3-4

MC: Tim Reimer
Offering: General Fund
Message: Kendall Reimer

This Week:

Mon – Fri, Aug 16-20
VBS Rocky Railway                    6-8:15
Closing program on Friday 7:00

Tuesday, Aug 17
Youth V-Ball & Fireside                7:30

Thursday, Aug 19
Minister’s Meeting                         7:30

Pray For This Week:

  • Our Worship Leaders and Teams.
  • Ryan and Lisa Kelly as they serve at the Father’s House Church in Oroville, California.

MCS is happy to announce that all staff positions are filled!Staff Orientation dates are Sept 1-3.
Parent Teacher Meeting on Sept 2
Classes start on Wed, Sept 8
Looking forward to a smoother year!


  • Aug 17 – Volleyball & Fireside 
  • Aug 24 – Volleyball & Fireside 

Next Sunday:
Church              10:00

  • Message: Eric Isaac
  • Offering: General Fund